The trip to Tuscaloosa was spent meeting about marketing strategies (and laughing at Jason).  I think the trip was good to see what the competition would be like. The teams did well considering it was their first year. We became closer as a team, as we literally spent all weekend with each other.
                                                        -Ade Amusa

SCS CougarBots visit Tuscaloos BEST 2012
The Starkville Christian School CougarBots Robotics Team was invited to visit and cheer for the first Tuscaloosa BEST competition held at Shelton State Community College on Saturday, October 13, 2012. We traveled over Saturday morning and got to be spectators for the first time ever!

We weren't able to stay for the entire competition, but we saw the results of six weeks' worth of really hard work in both the robotics competition as well as the booth areas. There was a lot of competition, and a lot of friendly sportsmanship observed. It was a good trip. We invited the Shelton group to come over to Starkville to visit Mississippi BEST in action October 27.

We are like you in many ways: we wake up, we eat, we put on our right sock and our left sock then our right shoe and our left shoe, but we also lead a very much different life. We are BEST engineers. We first meet with the entire team, converse, and pray. We then split out separate ways to embark on our own journeys. We are given our tasks and oversite by our mentors to help us stay on track. We then work and test until we have solved our challenge. This is our life.
                                                                                                           - Jordan
A typical meeting in the marketing team starts with prayer. After that, we break off into groups and figure out what needs to be done for the day. Once we get a list organized, the marketing leaders delegate our jobs, such as making posters, working on the booth, painting the banner, or anything else that needs to be done. If we ever finish early, we usually goof off outside with the engineering team or play on the computer.
For the first meeting, our team participated in a team-building exercise where we became the parts of the robots. Here are some student comments about it:

"I learned that multiple people can become one." - Ade
"I grew trust with my friends." - Anthony
"I felt like a conductor." - Jason
"No, you're other left!!" - Caleb
" I thought it was a good exercise for the new members to get a better feel for what robotics is all about." - Kennedy
    We are the Starkville Christian Cougarbots. We have 15 members this year, the most this team has ever had.

    Our CEO is Caleb Jordan. Daniel Rives is head of Marketing, and Kennedy Burgreen is the Multimedia Specialist. Truitt McKinney, Cecelia Smith, Anna Carr, Mary Burgreen, and Lily Burgreen are members of the Marketing team. Caleb Jordan is also in charge of Engineering, Anthony Britt is in charge of Production, and Jordan Prather is the head of Design. Carson Lawrence, Jason Ruth, and Ade Amusa serve on the Engineering team. Mary Burgreen is also our Game Designer. Our junior members include: Carson Loving and Ethan Smith.